Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Accessive Technology

     Last Thursday's class Lori spoke to us about Accessive Technology. Going into that classroom with all those computers , I wasnt really sure what we were going to talk about. Once Lori had started talking to us and explained some technology, I then realized that people use these devices in everyday use. My general impression of Lori's class was that she really stretched out why we were there and wanted us to be aware of anything that could happen.  She also showed us videos on accessive technology and how it is benefical to others.
     Once lori gave us a chance to explore at our computers, then go over the devices as a class, there were 3 devices that stood out to me.  One of which was Read/Write Gold.  Read/Write Gold is a study aid.  It mainly supports students with reading/writing disabilities, learning disabilities such as Dyslexia, and English as a 2nd language.  Although Read/Write Gold supports these type of students, any student can really benefit from this.  Read/Write Gold helps struggling students with any curriculumn.  It can read text out loud or it can also highlight the text then reads out loud what you had highlighted.  Read/Write Gold also has a pronunciation tutor, that helps students with pronunceing words. They even give you the option of picking the language and voice.
    Another device that stood out to me was Keystone/Stoke.  This was actually a video Lori had us watch about this lady that could not talk or have any mobility. Keystones is a word prediction software. The lady in the video used Keystones to communicate with her husband. "Her computer is her life".  The way she used this device was, there was a wire that she placed on her jaw bone, and with the slightest bit of movement she could get so much done.  She did everything with this device, talked to her husband, online banking, and even grocery shopping for her family. This device was extremely impressive to me.
     The last device that caught my eye was the Screen Masking. Screen Masking is a device that helps with concentration.  In a paragraph it would make everything dark except for the line that your are reading from. So this way it helps you stay on task by going line by line. This device is for students who are reading impaired but really anyone could use this.
    Overall I learned alot from sitting in Lori's class about Accessive Technology, I enjoyed her visit. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Desktop Publisher

In the article Desktop Publisher, they talked about how these tools are useful in the classroom. The article gives teachers ideas of how to produce a varity of assignments and projects.  Some examples are making posters, writting a newsletter and developing a newspaper.  However these are great ideas, to some they may be useless in the learning process, because not everyone learns the same way. 

 When we were talking the other day in class about desktop publisher I was not aware of all the different opportunities. I tend to stick to one publisher and thats usually Microsoft Word.  After reading this article and talking about desktop publisher in class, I realize there is alot out there.  Although I think it is great that we as teachers get a chance to use these tools and gives us a chance to open up new opportunities to students, I feel as though this should not be the only option. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Data Driven Decision

      Data Driven Decision is a system of teaching and management practices that gets better information about students into the hands of classroom teachers. It requires an important day-to-day shift for teachers on instruction that emphasize the process and delivery to the classroom. To have effective data-driven essentials in the classroom, you as a teacher needs to know the five elements, which are as follows, good baseline, instructional goals, formative assessment, learning communities, and focused instructional intervention. Without knowing these five elements, the data driven decision will not be a success in your classroom.  Everyday teachers collect data, no matter where you are. You could be doing something where your not even looking for it and it will be there.

     In my hypothetical classroom I will most definitely be using data to make some of my decisions if not all. First I will get a baseline and see where each student stands. This will then give me a boost on how I should start planning my data. After this I will than have some information to make decisions. I can use this data to improve my students learning and to keep track of the best way of teaching the material. Using data will show me what works and if it doensnt work then I can change my style in a way to improve my students learning. Another reason why I would use data in my classroom is so that it will be at hand if a student has a question. There are many ways you can use data decision making in a classroom, and I feel that knowing how to do so is very important.